Wednesday, December 9, 2009

LOVE you versus brave and dare

I love you,can you be my girlfriend?
Saying i love you is a breeze..sweet words pop out from mouth so easily..
When inform by the girl that she have AIDS, lead the guy stupefied..
The girl asked back, did you still dare to love me????
We always think love is easy, did we really understand love???
Do you still dare and brave???


Anonymous said...

u ady grow up, haha, no more little girl. love is inexplainable, 爱情是没有对与错的, jz depend how u think about it, somebody think tat love should b romantic, some say love should b simple, some say love is a comfortable feeling when u r wif somebody........

Rachel(Kay Ling) said...

i dint mean it is true or fault..i just mean how brave you are and how many you can sacrificed for. True and deep love able to over many things more..