What i really wan to mention is the reason i wan break is because the care and not gt what third people..Hope you believe...
When i knew that he gonna see firefly with the girl, i admit that i got abit unhappy..However, i knew he should get a better one,and i should not be so selfish d..Therefore,i wish he can be happy during the trip..
Last night, he told me that he is giving up d...I was quite suprise..Just one month of chasing process already give up..Well, i know i m not that pretty and charming..No guy will spend more time on me..So,i just worth for one month??haha... The reason is he know we impossible to get back d..Thus,better dun waste time???thats my question...When u all guys think the chance is zero,u all will just give up?? For a girl, she wont do that,if she love a person,she will just care for him even there is IMPOSSIBLE..This is the different between guys and girls?? Perhaps..
I did not mean i need a guy to care for me even no chance d.. I just doubt why guys are so different from girls...I already sad for a day...Why sad?? Because i really know it already reach the end...
A beautiful ending?? I not sure..
Stop keep in touch with others just for make my mind clearer,but still cant concentrate in class and lab..
Now only i know tats so difficult to end a relationship..Especially first love,last time i used almost 6 months to recover,now???nobody know..
One more day will be fine? i hope so..
Sorry for those i din reply messages to....
P/S: Think carefully before u start a relationship and appreciate the one you have..

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