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The one you love may not treat you good,
The one who treat you good may not the one you love,therefore you have to know how to choose who is the best for you.
Deep words that not everyone can understand..
What amazing words that resemble to me... :)
Sudden fever in this morning..When my friend message me that she gonna go for a blood test as she got many symptom..It make me more worry and scare..I feel very not well after that..My family members even more worry and scare when they know i am not well..My mum took me to see the doctor..the doctor seen not that scare also,as he din wear mask.I am not worry about myself,what make me worry is my family members..I know my friend will go check,she promise me will tell me when she get the result..However,now already very late.There are still no any news from her..The waiting time make my heart cant feel relieve.I keep scratch my hand and some small spot appear..It make me shocked as i think i may allergy to the medicine i took..But i think not because of that..Hope so..Hope all the best for us...Pray a lots...
Tuesday morning,we went to statistic class as usual..However,Dr Bashar din come and we just can go back after get our lunch...When it come to microb class, my friends told us that Virus H1N1 already get in upm..According to her,we can leave after 3 pm..We were so suprise and keep messaging to search for confirmation and think how to back home..Our noisy make the lecturer looked at us and asked what is happening.My friend told him about this news..He said he heard that too..Another minute,the student representative annouce that upm gonna closed from tomorrow and last for 1 week,this week is replace our mid sem holiday..Nw,whole class is noisy...After class,we rushed back to our room and start packing straight away..When finish our fast packing,we went out to wait for bus and get to commuter station.There are so many people waiting for bus..When bus coming,the bus already full of passengers,we got no chance to enter.Too bad situation..I spend more than 1 hour just to wait bus..Reached commuter station d,there are another crowd..My journey will took 45min usually,but now take about 2 hours++...Bad condition,but i understamd that the whole upm got about 10 thousand plus students..All back in few hours,traffic sure jam.. We rushed back home like refugee to run away..What a amazing experience to me again...haha..
This is a moody day for me.. Talk less, joke less and happy thursday again,have to attend the microbiology lab..Today about staining..In the process of doing work,there are many things i could see..All bad things,maybe because i m moody..I know as a christian i should not talk bad about others..But just can blog here..There is a step in the procedure that we need to trip in the slide in to a chemical called malachite green,this is a pre-cancer agent..I had a friend who very care about her health..She asked me to do that dangerous work...I m ok with it if u ask properly..However,today is my moody day,i m glad that i din angry and scold out on the time..She is just the type of girl that in hokkien can called as kia si - mean scare to die if translate directly..Maybe there is a misunderstand,but this is what i felt in my special moody day...On the other hand, there a group of people who used 2 microscope..While, we got no one to continue our work with that..Quite sad...Did the work d but cant get result..When we get the microscope already near 5 pm..Therefore,we just get 1 or 2 results..Haiz....Sien..
From the day i required to break up until now already more than 1 month d..What i really wan to mention is the reason i wan break is because the care and not gt what third people..Hope you believe...When i knew that he gonna see firefly with the girl, i admit that i got abit unhappy..However, i knew he should get a better one,and i should not be so selfish d..Therefore,i wish he can be happy during the trip..Last night, he told me that he is giving up d...I was quite suprise..Just one month of chasing process already give up..Well, i know i m not that pretty and charming..No guy will spend more time on me..So,i just worth for one month??haha... The reason is he know we impossible to get back d..Thus,better dun waste time???thats my question...When u all guys think the chance is zero,u all will just give up?? For a girl, she wont do that,if she love a person,she will just care for him even there is IMPOSSIBLE..This is the different between guys and girls?? Perhaps..I did not mean i need a guy to care for me even no chance d.. I just doubt why guys are so different from girls...I already sad for a day...Why sad?? Because i really know it already reach the end...A beautiful ending?? I not sure..Stop keep in touch with others just for make my mind clearer,but still cant concentrate in class and lab..Now only i know tats so difficult to end a relationship..Especially first love,last time i used almost 6 months to recover,now???nobody know..One more day will be fine? i hope so..Sorry for those i din reply messages to....
P/S: Think carefully before u start a relationship and appreciate the one you have..

ast friday, my friend and i enjoyed of sang in green box,we went to shop for some clothes and pant..After moment to chose and tried..We get the right one that we want..When the promoter was help us to write the bill, the alarm was rang..We looked around and found that nobody care about the alarm..Therefore,we just dont bother also until the security asked us to leave from the building as soon as possible..That time i quite scare and dont know what going to happen..After that,we just left jusco and back homw with many questions in our mind..We found out that there are a fake news of gt bomb at jusco byreading newspaper..haha..Whats a experience??
My friend intro a nice korean drama for me to watch..The love that presented by the drama will make all the girls start their imagination..How the guy do so many things just because of the girl...haha..Even my housemate who are very man also start imagine..Amazing right?? But all of us know that love like this wont exist in the real world, and wont exist in our life too..haha..My tears come out when the guy dont believe the girl and the girl being bully by all the friends..After being bully till cant endure anymore,the guy only come out and said sorry to her..Is it must be hurt only get the sorry from guy...I wonder...haha..Hope it wont affect my study..haha...
I read a short story in reader digest..The title is washing romance..The story mention what a woman thinking in her mind when she waiting the washing machine to work..She got a 14 years old daughter,she disagree that she date as she still very young..Her daughter very angry and shout out to this woman that she dont know what is romance..She recall back she was a drama team members..In the drama team,there is a guy who famous and crush on by many girls...She acts the heroine in the new script and the guy was the hero..They got a kiss screen that they have to present a fake kiss..During the performance time,she ready her position for the kiss,and let the guy turn his back to the audience,so people will think they really kiss.However,the guy din turn his body and he really give her a big real kiss..She was shocked and pretend she was enjoyed it..After the show,she din get any response from the guy except a sorry..And the guy now is her husband who greet her good morning in the morning when she just open her eyes and said good night as the last word for every night for 20 years..Is this not a romance?her mind keeps on thinking..She just wan her daughter get the same romance as hers or maybe even better.....Suddenly, a hug for her from behind..That is her husband and ask her go for their daughter and talk nicely...I just share a nice story here..Is it a guy and romance that every girl hope for?Absolutely yes!! It is not easy to greet a person good morning and night for so long time..They also know what is in their couple mind..Maybe this is the soulmate that we mention...Hope everyone and me can lucky as hers...Gambatteh,my all sisters friend!!
Second year is a new year and a harder year for me...I taking only 5 subject this sem,but already want faint...SosiologySurprisingly that this subject is in malay, maybe before this i din really know what is this subject about..It just like the further study of hubungan etnik..Damn dislike this type of subject..We need to visit the kampung asli village to fullfill our assignment..Dont know which village to go, and have to worry about transport...StatisticsBefore end of second semester,i already heard that this is a hard subject..We chose group 2 to register..The lecturer is a foreigner,maybe from iran or iraq that type of country..I found hard to understand his words...That is a big problem to me...When i attend his class,i have to spend a lots of concentrate to listen to him,that make me headache sometime..hahaMaternal healthThis is Dr mary's class..She teached us population last sem..We already used to her teaching style..So this is not a problem..The different is this sem we got lab class..The first day of class,i still consider whether we should bring labcoat or not,because the venue is in lecture hall.Finally,we din bring and we found that this is a dry lab class.We have to do report or visit some people outside..It is not the laboratory lab..She gave us a hard report to do in first week,now still blur with it.MetabolismesThis lecturer is a prof,but we realise doubt about it..She is my friend's academic advisor..First day of class already piss off with us as we cant decide a time for replace class..My buddy told me that they din understand what she teach about in class..I gt the same feeling after enter her class for first time.Basic MicrobiologyBacteria...Something we cannot see with our eyes..In class,the lecturer told us that now we gonna study about the things that we cannot see with our eyes..It is very interesting..I know i going to memorise many of the bacteria specific name and words,as i hate to memorise things.In lab class,the lecturer used more than an hour to explain the safety way in lab,that we already know..She said we must very careful as now we gonna to work with SOMETHING THAT WE CANT SEE WITH OUR EYES..same sentences again...This lab is the first lab tat seen so serious and took the longest time in my lab time than usual before..However,i know i have to learn properly as this course got the lab exam..Oh my god,very scare of this as i usually just played during lab section..haha..Wish me all the best to over come all this...
Today is the first class we attend...Suprisingly,this subject is in malay.The lecturer keeps on told us about his background and his achievement...From this,i know we may need to visit the orang asli village to complete our assignment..Brain and mind still blur and empty..Everything like a new start..I become hyperactive when see my friends..Thursday will be back home..Hope everything going well this few days...Quite scare of my assignment and exam that coming soon..Hope i can handle it well and do it well...nt just simply copy and paste like last time..haha..I still confusing about something..I feel like everything gonna change very fast including myself...Thats why i cant comfirm anything including relationship..Maybe i got no confident in future..It seen like very hard to love and take a good care of someone for a long time..Cant deny this is human weakness..I just hope i can let thing go by itself..This is the only thing i can do now before i make sure i can start and stick to someone..Then maybe only will be fair for everyone that around me..I dont know he like me or not??but the present he gave to me make a lots of question pop out from my friend..hope we are too sensitive..haha.but really like the heart of him and the sincere of this souvenir...thanks alots...friend forever...
Been through a long long holidays...Planned to work in this long sem break..Well,got work for only few days...haha...Dont know what i had achieved in my free days..Like wasted a lots of time d..What i am sure is i have rest enough..Tomorrow have to back to hostel already,but still dont know what to pack.I think should have a lots of stuff i should packing..Still thinking what are those important stuffs...Maybe i am lazy to pack or i m unwilling to pack..haha...Not really wan leave my comfy house..haha.I think most of the university students also got the same mind and thought as me..haha..This is my second year d,i am a senior now...Cant wait to see the new faces in my faculty..I enjoy my freedom right now..Like dont want to be control d..haha..I m so bad..I will try my best to be more independent and learn a lots in this new sem..:)
This is my 60 post..haha..mean i wrote almost 60 essay in my holiday with broken language?haha...Good..Maybe my blog will be inactive d..But i will try to write more during my free time..
I went for transformers with him just now...Just two of us..We went to eat pizza first as our lunch..We chatted happily...This moment is very relax and peace just like old friend gathering..Finally,i gave him the present d...After that we went for our movie... I can feel what he want,what he hope...Maybe this is the first time that i know i am so unique and important for him... Saw him very sad when i did something that may hurt him...Everytime i saw him very sad and hurt..I got the feeling to hold his hand and hug him..Well,i know i cant do that...I also control myself d..I success to control myself oh...Last time sure cant,m i become mature d?haha.... On the way back home,he let me know what he hope and want...If i said i totally dont love him d..that's cheating...I m human,i got feeling...I can let it down but still need time to suit myself..I told him that he must can find a girl that much more better...I hope he can happy too..I m sincere to blessing him..I shout to him,you must be happy...In this moment,is very very peaceful..Just like i can feel what happen in future..My sixth sense let me know tat we got a happy future on our own...I am happy with it...When we meet again,must be a best friend.. I know you wonder why i cant give you 1 more chance..I just can tell is feeling,feel that i should let u go this time...That will be good ending of us... I felt hard when i have to give you back the phone...But i should give back to you de...Even i looked very happy,it just because i wan make you happy too.I cant show my sad face to you.. Hope you like the present..If we are still together i will write that "Everytime we went out and i see you open your wallet paid everything for me..I know i should let you own a new wallet and the wallet is just like me to accompany you no matter where you go." I din write this for you cause it is not necessary anymore..haha.. Anyway,i know i never regret be together with you..You teach me a lots and give me a nice and memorable memory..Thanks you... This will be a beautiful full stop of our story.. I dont know what is going happen in my future,I will face every trouble with my toughness..Maybe my faith will shaking,but i will keep on going... Maybe on my own or maybe not Sometime i wonder if i let you go d,will i miss the one who treat me the best or love me the most? However,life is full of decision...I will take what happen in the future.. Both of us must gambatteh o!!Keep our life on happily.. We must can own our sky with blue...