Thursday, November 25, 2010
This is the world
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
temporary and last
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Suitable and lonely
Friday, October 15, 2010
Proposal presentation
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
type A
Friday, October 1, 2010
Stressful test
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Holiday end
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
family and future..
Step out
Only with you..
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Professor not superman
smooth rides make for boring stories,
a little calamity, that's worth talking about. (copy from jasmie's blog)
Monday, May 24, 2010
People that you not really can close with
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ice kacang puppy love..
Friday, April 16, 2010
I remember there was a pastor who came to my church who is seen as prophet. He was sensed everyone and give a few of words that he can know by about the person with the capability that gave by GOD. The one word that still floats in my mind is romantic. What he want me to know is I m too addicted to love and romance. This can bring a lot of harm for me.
This somewhat show the truth. I did experienced what he said. I should not so deep believed and always demand for romantic. God please change me.
I don’t want be suffer again because of love or disloyalty. I want to be determined. Nothing wrong by just stays with my first decision. Never regret..
Best Friend definition
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Final Preparation
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Amazing toughness
Friday, April 9, 2010
Compromise (妥协)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Not your maid..
Please dont order me..
You have no the right..
P/s: I m not a prisoner, noneed guard me doing work~~~
I can choose when i wan to do.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Communication with friends
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Nutri study
Friday, March 19, 2010
Guy nature
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Best for you
If i were a piece of white paper
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Kick off.. Brush off..
You are a good girl that i had met. I knew and pass through some of your pass relationship with you.. Even i dunno what and why everytime you broke.. Why such a good girl like you just cant meet good guy.. I think you should get a good guy cause in my mind you are even a better girl than me..
I can see your passion in love, your loyalty and your trust in it.. I was very sad to hear you get hurt in love again. You din told me the details of it, but i m sure you got your reason. I m sorry that i cant console you at my busy time.. I just can pray to God to please him let you feel better..
Even i will felt disappointed about all the guy. I start to feel the guys around me also not good person.
Girls, kick off and brush off the bad guys that surround us..
Hope you hapy always, my dear~~
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Theory and Truth
Friday, March 5, 2010

To justify a person is knowledgeable or not?It doesn't judge by he studied until what level,either a master or phd..Not judge by how much wealth he own..
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Stop it! baka!
Monday, February 22, 2010
thanks you, my friend..
This poem shows the gratefulness of the poet to his friend. Friends do play an important role in our life, as they influenced us the most. A good friend will cheer our lives up, bring light to our life and lead us in our journey. I would like to thank one of my friends after being inspired by this poem. She is my secondary classmate, we used to be rivals and finally turned into best friend. When I was in form three, there was an oral speaking test in my class. The test result let me down as I get a low mark. The teacher opened an extra session for those who think they would score better in English class. I would like to have another chance but I am too shy to raise up my hand and ask for it. After the class, my friend knew my mind. She encouraged me to surpass my shyness and accompany me to the teacher’s office. So, I was being tested by the teacher for second time. At last, I ended up with an “A” in my English oral test. If it was not because of her, I probably won’t have another chance. I have to thank her as she brought courage into my life.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Showing off
Friday, February 12, 2010
Fail again-broga hill- no fate-lesson
On the way back home, i did think for a long time. What is the most important thing? Is life or the view? Just like what mention in the last lecturer book, people always go first then matters. Why the stupid of me din understand yet? I fail the broga trip but i did learn a lesson. People always come first, nothing more important than life especially those you love one. Must remember this, evil rachel!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Flimsy love
Anyhow, I am still who i am.. Happy for you..Wish you have a great valentine day.. Even you and me had never been celebrate it before.. I think valentine day is just a small event that the businessman use to made money, thats why i dint required more on that day. I think myself is very great girl. haha.. Well, now i am not really pay attention to this special day too.. Anyhow,Happy valentine day for everyone..
Monday, February 8, 2010
She and him
Friday, February 5, 2010
Respect to the true love.
This article describes there is a guy who like a girl when they were in their school time. Both of them are from poor family. When they finish their school, they went to big town to work in same company with coincident. After a long time of working together, they also being together.They decided to marry after date for 3 years.
Good thing usually end up soon. When they married nt enough for even 1 month. Problem did happen.. The woman faced health problem with there are blood in her urine. This can be heal by take medicine. However, the dilemma is she was pregnant. She have to stop take medicine if she want her baby, but of course her disease will be worse. They finally chose to have the gift from god.
After her labour, her disease became worst. They need a big amount of money to cure. The wife think want to give up but her husband refuse. They borrow money, eat little, work very hard. The husband even just eat mee and vege even source for the mee also took from restaurant that free. They totally run out of money. She just eat vege for a month, and doctor diagnose she lack of calcium. Thats why he went to bought milk for her but the paid for it is he has to eat mee only for a month.
The baby is with thier mother at hometown cause they have to spend money in town to heal the wife.He knew that the baby is her support and insistent. He purposely put the baby photo in mobile phone to cheer her up. When called back for 2 minutes each time, he chose to talk less and lets his wife talked with their daughter.
When they are interviewed by the reporter, he claimed that he is happy and feel blessedness even in this tough situation.Happy?blessful?unbelieveable feeling in this hard moment. He explained that because he can spend the hard time with the one he loves. This is the true love we should show our respect to.
I think if i in that situation, i will keep moaning, sad and even feel cant endure and persist. Is because i never meet my true love, or i just will take and not give? or i m selfish?not able to sacrifice? I wonder.. I cant be so great as them, so i respect~~
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Lousy, bad, emo..
I unable to write well in an hour..i knew this is my problem..I will change instead of being look down...
You feel irritating about the one you like is your matter, it does related to me at all.
Don't ever take me as your punching bag. Cause i m not..
You always complain this and that, tell us this and that, but we never refuse to listen or feel you are irritating.. what the heck is this..
I noneed you to correct my essay for me, you feel you are lucky.. I feel ths same way as well..
I hate attitude like that. it does hurt me..i hate i not strong enough, i hate i very care..
Do i need my heart and i to be numbness, only i can survive well..EQ, please do come find me and fill me up.. Wish i can stop my emotional soon. I cant let all this small matter or small people to affect my study..What i can do is to be alone and stay a distance..
P/S: Forgive me for being rude here...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
My handphone keypad spoilt half way. How i going to type message without g,h,i and m,n,o.?
After that, distraction was around me for the whole sunday..
When i determint and tried to find back my way, shoulder making some noise. My head cant move and turn fast and as i wish..Like a old woman..
Maybe it does complained that my long period of sedentary study life or my weak body does ring the alarm?
Damn worry...
Forget to brng the lecture note to class, and drove the emotional and sensitive lecturer crazy..
I am not purposely left my notes at home.Just i m too blur.. Monday blue do come.. My mood was ok just my body is the opposite.
Finally found that period came in the inappropriate time. Luckily still can handle..
Obstacles did happen to test and bother me..
I should be strong to climb...
Friday, January 29, 2010
How to believe?
Said this and that..
How can i believe in you?
You are so unsure..
Even you may dunno what you want and said..
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I very depend on others~~
I not capable to fullfill even just a little work~~
Get mad of because of little matter~~
I upset very easily~~
Emotional very easily~~
Angry very easily~~
I can't endure myself to be like that~~
I know i am very bad to the one who concern me~~
I hate myself, hate my weakness, hate my uselessness, hate evrything about myself..
If you want run away from me for ur best, please take your step~~
I wont stop you or blame anyone of you~~
Thinking of what make me change? because of i had leave my lovely GOD and full of sin~
I am sorry~~
I dont want back to that evil lim kay ling~~
However, i m lost in this moment~~
The frighten of lost is too much, i already cant endure and wan die of that~~
Stay away from girl that not independent~~
Hold on with girl that very weak~~
Leave her who is very irritating~~
Go away from her who very treat you bad~~
If you are clever, please do all this..
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Smart guy

Recently found out that many people think that my cup of tea will be someone who look smart.
They do think i had a high requirement..
Well, my outlook really make many people think like that?haha
Maybe my requirement is high, but they should consider that i m not that pretty and perfect as well..
High requirement must give those who had good qualification..haha
You all are overrate me..haha..
All these words that keep in my mind made me crazy and feel hard...
I tried to pursuit myself that do more will learn more.. However, it still cant stop me from whine.
As Dr nasir said, girls always whine. I m one of them..
After whine and moaning, I found that i better start work instead of just whine..
Thanks GOD for let me learn more especially be patient..
I m someone who have nothing in one, but YOU does help me to learn...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tiring sem
Some type of people cant work together with certain type of people? Izzit true? I not so sure. There are relationship among us that become worst and some maybe the opposite when many works come across. I not really know how to handle, and i also not very very care. anyway, it is stil a bad thing for thing become like this.
I wan start to do more preparation of study, doing well in my work, understand all the work that i did, and know clearly of every single word that i typed. When i start do some preparation, i m lost. I dunno where and how to start. Thats make me feel damn bad and i dont know how to come across.
Family matter do bothering me as well. I dont know what is happen when i not at home. I just know there are lack of money. I wonder how my parent, sisters and brother s' feeling. I am sure i will be sad if they feel bad. Thats why i chose just to believe and gave. I know they are far more important than money. I seen to be a money-grubber and love money. Actually, family are always the first for me. I knew this very clear.
Assignments like cant finish, keep change this and that. I wonder why we change just due to someone said how we should do. Maybe because we din step out and ask the person in charge or maybe we very concentrate in class and know everything already. Keep doing and changing make life dull. Many works and problems in mind make mood and life worst...
Weekend please come to rescue me.........