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I was remember that last time when i headed to a ballet music orchestra which located in Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra in KLCC during my form6. That was a couple in our gang, we took ktm and then monorail to there. I was remember clearly that time the monorail was full of people, we stand inside like a tin of sadin. When we were tried our best to edge in the monorail, the boyfriend left outside. The entrance door almost close, a hand appear suddenly to stop the door and pull that guy in. I was wowed, this girl damn geng. What a real beauty save hero scene perform in front of my eyes. Both of them get good result in STPM, but they get in different university. Today when i check my facebook, the girl status become single and post many sad phase, i can predict that maybe their love are broke. Even i not close with both of them or maybe just know who each other are. Feel sad for them, love can be so brittle.Hope she will be alright. Single can be happy and joyful, girl must tough and live better always.Another one is from my mum, her friend's son broke with his girlfriend which already together for 7 years. Damn!! 7 years not a short period. The guy's mum ask him dont break with his girlfriend but her son refuse. What is the reason? All is because he get a new girl...(speechless....) I know who is the guy and his ex girlfriend, when check my sister's facebook, saw the guy new photo with his new girlfriend. This new girlfriend was so pretty. No wonder will break... Pretty resemble everything, 7 years love and sensation also not enough to fight with. sad for the ex girl friend ya... Love is just like that? i wonder.. Just for me, empower women is the most important things. We can survive without guy!! Gambatteh!!

End up with take back own hearts?
A singapore drama which mention about AIDS been show in the astro now. I watching as usual cause i felt singapore drama damn meaningful. The drama is about a guy get AIDS because he have coitus with sex worker accidentally. Just one time then take his life. This disease destroy his life, his family and etc.. The drama spread the information about AIDS in an indirect way. That's good i found about singapore drama. AIDS and HIV really does take many life, and it may be a way of God to control those do practice multiple sex partners. My friend asked me to be volunteer of AIDS day this weekend, i reject her invitation because it is in sg wang. Quite far for me to go there and my sister will come back to celebrate my dad birthday again and family gathering. After watched the drama, feel regret to chose not to go. Well, i cant contribute my energy but i will support all my friends that will be volunteer. Jia you to all of you ya.. Support AIDS day o!!!
My cousin who getting marry send the invitation card and some biscuit to my house.. Well,her mother follow as well,that is my aunt. They talked to my mum and start talked about our relatives. I got an auntie who said to be my "gan" mother. She is my dad's sister. Well, i was totally not agree about that. I just met her maybe once or twice a year. Why should i called her as mother? I always asked and grumble to my parent about why you all wan make me her daughter? She is not rich as well..haha..The most important thing is i think she treat everyone of us is the same?The only different is i address her in different way.She got no children. I heard her first husband die very early. After that my grandma worried she will be a widow forever, and marry her to another guy.Few years ago, i knew that she get arthritis or goitrous, she become physically disability. She may need assister to walk. My mum will give her money little by little as the money is belong to my grandma and hers. My mum just help her to take out from bank. Many people said her husband use her money to survive. I not sure.. But quite possible..No wonder people said must get a good husband,do not marry because of wan marry.My aunt who came and told my mum that now she cant walk at all. She has to depend on others take her to bathroom and just wear diapers. Now she just bath once a three days. Feel so sad for her and i not sure she still have any money left or not.My dad was so nervous when he know about this. I can felt my dad is a person who very care for love and family. I dont know what else we can do? I just wish her can be heal and live better..
Took a shower with numb and bored feeling... Accidentally press my body shampoo and a few of bubbles pop out.. The bubbles make a smile appear on my face... A smile can be so simple and easy.. Think of the babies and children like and smile a lots when see bubbles.. The magic of bubbles.. Bring back memory which in childhood and thats so simple and lovely.. Happiness can get so easily.
Life can be so simple...
1St time get travel by flight...What a nice experience for me..the plane started with fast speed and than took off...the building n car getting smaller and smaller,the sky was blue , the cloud under of mine..Quite amazing..but the air asia seat is nt comfortable at all..Sibu trip was nice..We were so relax..See yi's family treat us very good..Her mum made a lots of food for us..We just kept eating,all complain that we are going to be fat d..haha.. We slept well,slept early,woke up early..Even had bakery class there..haha.Enjoy alots indeed..
What i deserve for is just a simple love..Two people love each others..They fall in love deeply and cant see others...The guy will show up and make the girl angry purposely then happy again...More people only make people that simple just like the love in every first love and love in student time..I wish i am......Deserve for it.....
Finally finish all my final test...quite heavy examination for me..I know that there are harder one which waiting for me in the future..Well,take a breath and know it can be done at the destination.Went to midvalley to sang k and watched movie at the first day..The second day went to ice skating in sunway..As a new learner,i dont know how to control the movement and have to learn one by one..Luckily i din fall down and there are friend who know how to play..Tat make us can enjoy as if u cant balance,there are someone to help you and bring u around.U jz need to hold him tight..It quite romantic if you go with your lover..Well, it fun also if go with friend.enjoy the time you can be free to be around on the ice...haha..enjoy alots...happy time...
Home sweet home make people enjoy and comfortable.. Din really concentrate in study at all... Dunno how my maternal exam will going to be?Hope for the best!!